Escalade à Baume-les-Dames
Crags dominate the Doubs Valley especially in Baume-les-Dames which is renowned for climbing. The area counts more than 460 climbing routes. Enjoy climbing in a green region and preserved environment.
If you want to discover climbing in Baume-les-Dames accompanied by professional guide, contact Baume-les-Dames Tourist Information. We will recommend you private guides.
If you want to go climbing on your own, a new guide book is available at the Tourist Office of Baume-les-Dames - €18. For now, find some basic information below:
Rocher de Sous Buen :
158 routes
Grade : 3 - 7
The site is easily reachable. It is ideal for families or beginners for there are many routes of grades between 3 and 6a.
Exposition S – S/S/E - E
Fente de Babre :
25 mixed routes of traditional and free climbing (grade 4 - 6b).
Exposition W
Caution: the site is environmentally sensitive. No climbing between 15th February and 15th June (biotope protection decree).
Roche de Beaumerousse :
61 routes
Grade : 4 - 7
The crag is well adapted to families and beginners.
Exposition S/S/W (shaded in summer)
Rocher de Lonot :
16 routes
Grade : 5 - 6.
Exposition N (pleasant in summer to climb in fresh air)
Rocher du Quint :
179 pitches
Grade: 5 - 7.
The crag is adapted to experienced climbers.
Exposition S/S/W
Falaise de Joland :
13 routes
Grade: 5c - 7
Exposition S/S/W (shaded in summer)
A guide book is available at the Tourist Office of Baume-les-Dames.