Salle d'escalade Marie Paradis - Association Entre-Temps
The Entre-Temps Escalade association is a club that allows as many people as possible to practice climbing. The Marie Paradis climbing hall has 1,600 m2 of climbing space and 3 disciplines: difficulty, bouldering and speed. Some routes are 18m high.
Come and climb, alone or with others, with free access (under your responsibility) and enjoy the many routes and boulders.
Courses for individuals or groups are offered throughout the year;
groups of children, adults, disabled people, contact us...
Regular courses for all levels are offered, indoors or on the crag during the school holidays.
Would you like to organise a fun birthday party that combines learning and entertainment? An animator will welcome your child and his guests in the room and will supervise this original birthday.
Entre-Temps Escalade is an association that aims to bring together all those interested in climbing. From 4 years old to veterans, whatever their level, able-bodied or disabled, alone or in a group, people can practice the three disciplines of bouldering, difficulty and speed. Professionals supervise individual and group lessons and participate in the pursuit of the Association's objectives.
Thanks to the participation of its volunteers and their commitment, the Entre-Temps Escalade association organises numerous competitions at departmental, regional and national level. The association gives a large place to the practice of disabled people, and every year it mobilizes for events such as the Telethon or the Raid Handisport.