Dance of Being and Spontaneous Singing' workshops
Course / Workshop

Dance of Being and Spontaneous Singing" workshops


Se mêle au Vent" workshops: Dance of being and spontaneous singing

Who is it for?
For anyone wishing to use dance and song to move towards the unveiling and expression of their true nature.

What's involved?
Dance and song are, and always have been, a means of expressing who we really are, and are undoubtedly the best way of honouring the Living in ourselves and in others. Linked to the elements, to the Earth and to the Sky, the Dance of Being appears as a matrix dance, fertilising and poetic: making our body a compost kneaded with Air, Fire, Earth and Water, it shelters in its furrow the promise of its most beautiful emergence... The seeds of a song of Life! Rooted in the body, it blossoms in our hearts like an ode to nature: welcome to the Earth's medical song!

The process: first we need to anchor ourselves, find the structure, reconnect with the Earth; listen to what is stable and unchanging in the body, welcome the timbre of our voice, its original colour. At the heart of this foundation, water gently seeps in to soften and enliven the body and the voice in all their parts through new paths of fluidity. Then comes the vertical force of Fire, which energises and breathes soul into the body and intensity into the voice! Finally, Air, messenger of the loving Heavens, will carry the echoes of our roots to the very top of our being.

Over the course of the year, we'll be moving towards a gradual autonomy for each of us: serving our own inner song, serving the song of others and of the whole group in a joyful and benevolent alternation... In this way, we will develop the art of making music together.

The tools: talking circle, ritual salutation to the elements, practice of energetic breathing, butô of the emotions, in the chakras (use of colours and vowels as energetic aids), rhythm exercises, games and exercises alone and with others, singing and dancing in circles.

Dance of Being and Spontaneous Singing" workshops
Prices & Schedules

Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm from 1 October 2024. Saturday and Sunday mornings once a month.

Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm from 1 October 2024. Saturday and Sunday mornings once a month.

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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