Bach on air

Bach on air


With Damien Groleau, flute and bass flute, Mala'Ka association

Johann Sebastian Bach's cello suites were originally written for a Baroque instrument known as a "violin bass". It is possible that he was not so much concerned with the nature of the instrument used as with the very essence of his architectural, harmonic and melodic genius.
There are many transcriptions, for violin, viola and trombone among others. It is with the bass flute that the artist invites us to hear a few suites from these dances à la française, Bach On Air!
"It is the special province of music to move the heart". Johann Sebastian Bach

Duration: approx. 1 hour, strolling through the rooms of the museum
Admission to the event is free, subject to availability. Information and reservations required on 03 81 86 22 88 or

Bach on air
Musée Courbet
1 place Robert Fernier
25290 ORNANS
Prices & Schedules

Sunday 23 February at 3pm

  • Base rate : 6€
  • Reduced rate : 4€

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