Biennale d'Art du Jura Zig Zag - 3rd edition
Exhibition, Course / Workshop

Biennale d'Art du Jura Zig Zag - 3rd edition


Two weekends of open doors to artists' studios in the Jura. 8 artists.
Free admission.

List of artists :
Alain BOUVIER (painter engraver plastic artist), 39230 Mantry
Alain DAVID (sculptor and ceramist), 39210 Château-Chalon
Marieno DAVID (ceramic sculptor), 39210 Château-Chalon
Jean-François JULLIARD (painter and draughtsman), 39210 Château-Chalon
Eric MOUREZ (sculptor), 39570 Quintigny
Alain PLESIAT (plastic artist), 39210 Château-Chalon
Isabelle PROUST (painter and engraver), 39210 Frontenay
Nathalie VAN BELLE (ceramic sculptor), 39210 Hauteroche

Event organised by the 3A association throughout the Jura: more information on the association's website.

Biennale d'Art du Jura Zig Zag - 3rd edition
Château-Chalon, Mantry, Quintigny, Frontenay, Hauteroche
Prices & Schedules

The weekends of 5-6 October and 12-13 October 2024, from 10am to 7pm.

    Biennale d'Art du Jura Zig Zag - 3rd edition

    Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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