Concert reading - L'Ephémère

Concert reading - L'Ephémère


Concert-lecture organised by the Centre Culturel du Grandvaux

Hélène Péronnet, Jeanne Chagnard: vocals / Aleksandra Shutova: cello / Maëlenn Dano: Celtic harp / Josselin Bastide: bassoon
Rimé: text vocals / Lionel Rolland: creation, compositions, guitar.

Éphémère is a concert-reading featuring six musicians, playing music composed from live texts taken from two Jack London novels: Martin Eden and John Barleycorn. From the romanticism and absolute love of literature and beauty of Martin Eden, to the surreal world whispered into Jack London's ears by the Blinding Intuition born of the abuse of John Barleycorn Whisky (John "Grain d'Orge" being the name of Whisky and alcohol in general in America at the time), the seven artists will make the writing of the American writer resonate, so close to us through his accurate vision of human reality.

Bookings at the Tourist Office.

Concert reading - L'Ephémère
La Sittelle
Rue du Coin d'Amont
Prices & Schedules
  • Base rate : 12€
  • Child rate (- 15 years old.) : 5€

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