Conference - And in the middle flowed a river

Conference - And in the middle flowed a river


Organised by the Friends of the Museum.
By Jean-Noël RESCH, Hydrobiologist EPAGE Haut-Doubs-Haute-Loue and the Synusie-Eau association.
Rivers and groundwater contain almost all the drinking water we need to live. However, for several years now, a major imbalance has been observed. Changes in rainfall and water abstraction alone cannot explain these trends. In trying to control the environment, by cleaning up or straightening rivers and draining wetlands, mankind has encouraged the drainage of water and disturbed the dynamic equilibrium of rivers. The consequences of this disruption are manifold. If nothing is done to stop them, the situation will only get worse, water resources will dry up and biodiversity will diminish. Concrete, effective and sustainable solutions do exist. Examples, both local and further afield, have shown concrete results.

Conference - And in the middle flowed a river
Salle Morand
Rue Jouffroy
Prices & Schedules
  • Free (free admission)

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