Conference - Comtois salt

Conference - Comtois salt


Organised by the Friends of the Museum.
By Frédéric PETREQUIN, guide and lecturer at the Grande Saline de Salins-les-Bains.
The geological resources present in Franche-Comté enabled the development of a veritable salt industry from the Middle Ages onwards. The Grande Saline de Salins-les-Bains bears witness to this dynamic, linked to the economic and political value of salt. In the 19th and 20th centuries, competition between production sites led to the creation of other factories and new outlets for the white gold of the Franche-Comté region. Come and discover all the facets of salt: production techniques, uses, quality and economics!

Conference - Comtois salt
Salle Morand
Rue Jouffroy
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