Courbet, painter at 20

Courbet, painter at 20


Around the exhibition "Devenir Courbet" at the Musée Courbet
with Jean-Luc Gannard, Institut Gustave Courbet

When Gustave Courbet left Ornans for Paris at the end of 1839, it had long been rumoured that he was going to study law there, at his parents' request. The stub of his internal passport, preserved in the Ornans town archives, calls this opinion into question. Jean-Luc Gannard will be presenting these rediscovered archive documents at the exhibition.

This lecture will take place in partnership with the La Passerelle media library in Ornans at the media library, 26 rue Saint-Laurent, 25290 Ornans.
For bookings, contact the media library on 03 81 62 13 52 or

Duration: approx. 1 hour

Courbet, painter at 20
Médiathèque La passerelle
26 rue Saint-Laurent
25290 ORNANS
Prices & Schedules

Friday 14 March at 19:00

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