Danse : Portrait

Danse : Portrait


Mehdi Kerkouche is a versatile artist, known for his talents as a dancer, actor, singer and director. He has also worked for pop culture stars such as Angèle and Christine and The Queens. Fascinated by what is played out in the collective, in 'Portrait' he explores intra-family relationships through highly expressive tableaux tinged with burlesque. Powerful, fluid and vibrant, his dance brings together young artists from different backgrounds - hip-hop, street jazz, cabaret, contemporary, voguing, circus - and fuses styles, galvanised by a spellbinding electro-pop soundtrack. Slipping in and out of harmony is the luminous Amy Swanson, heir to the expressive dance of Isadora Duncan. For children aged 8 and over.

Danse : Portrait
422 avenue Hoff
01300 BELLEY
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 29€

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