Danubia - mirror of the waters [a geopoetic journey]
Son et Lumière

Danubia - mirror of the waters [a geopoetic journey]


Visual and performance artist Ramona Poenaru and actor and director Gaël Chaillat explored the Danube, the great river that flows through Europe from Germany to the Black Sea. For four months, on their boat, between its source and its mouth, they took the pulse of this legendary waterway, filming encounters, collecting sounds, bringing back strange instruments, images, snippets of everyday life and stories. When they returned, they had the materials for Danubia, a sensory experience that immerses the spectator in the heart of an installation made up of sounds, moving bodies and images projected onto floating objects. With their feet in the water, interacting with three performers, spectators lend their bodies to the river and embark on a collective adventure of emotions, discovery and the unexpected. A fluid drift, without text, along the water, tracing the formidable current of life.


Danubia - mirror of the waters [a geopoetic journey]
La Commanderie
2 Rue d'Azans
39100 DOLE
Prices & Schedules

Monday 14 October 8.30pm
Tuesday 15 October 9am AND 7.30pm

  • Base rate : 10€ - 15€

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