Jura wildlife and landscape photo exhibition

Jura wildlife and landscape photo exhibition


Julien Arbez photo exhibition: wildlife and landscapes of the Jura mountains

Deeply rooted in the Jura, I roam the landscapes of my region in search of natural, authentic moments that are close at hand. I've turned my passion into my profession: photographer-interpreter, or environmental educator through photography.
Every day, or almost every day, I spend several hours on the lookout for local wildlife, including the lynx, the wolf, the golden eagle, the capercaillie and the hazel grouse. The Massif's biodiversity is significant, due to the mosaic of habitats present and their relative conservation. I enjoy photographing the northern European owl and meeting the mountain cicada a few weeks later!
Throughout the year, I also work with schoolchildren and other members of the public on environmental education, which has become my hobbyhorse. Enjoy your visit and I look forward to meeting you!

Free admission to the exhibition at the Tourist Office, 1st floor room, from 23 July to 7 September.

Jura wildlife and landscape photo exhibition
Office de tourisme
7 place Simone Veil
Prices & Schedules

From 23/07 to 27/08: every day except Sunday a-m. 8.30am-12.30pm/14pm-5.30pm. Then on office hours until 07/09.

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