Exhibition: "AH! OH!" by Ricardo Basbaum
AH! OH!" by Ricardo Basbum at 19 Crac
Free admission
AH! OH! by Ricardo Basbaum and À votre contact, se confondre by Kelly Weiss are two exhibitions that share a certain 'poetics of space'2. Both work on plastic, conceptual and relational variations, resulting from a negotiation undertaken with the context of the art centre and its architecture. Based on a close observation of the ins and outs of the historic building, and of the movements and communications between its different parts, she and he took on the different types of space as playgrounds. She and he come to "agreements".
AH! OH! and À votre contact, se confondre both respond to the logic of scores and "staging3". However, these are fluid and open to the collaboration of the public, who then become the guarantors of the constant evolution and even reconstruction of the exhibitions themselves.
Exhibition openings :
AH! OH! by Ricardo Basbaum
& À votre contact, se confondre
by Kelly Weiss.
→ Friday 7 February at 6.30pm
- Free admission.
From 08/02/25 to 04/05/25
From 08 February to 04 May