Sens' painting exhibition - Roxane Godrie

Sens" painting exhibition - Roxane Godrie


Roxane Godrie, a visual artist based in the Vallée de la Loue, is presenting her latest works: canvases painted in acrylic and Indian ink, and monotypes on paper.
These works are all forks in the road, offering possible routes through enigmatic landscapes in motion.
Like the artist, 'Sense' invites us to choose a path and leave our mark.
Opening on Friday 6 September at 7 pm. Free admission. Open to all.

Sens" painting exhibition - Roxane Godrie
L'îlot - magasin, café, cantine, lieu culturel
8 place Gustave Courbet
25290 ORNANS
Prices & Schedules

From 06/09/24 to 30/09/24 of 10:00 to 19:00

Opening Friday 6 September at 7 pm.
Exhibition from Friday 6 September to Monday 30 September, daily from 10 am to 7 pm.

Sens' painting exhibition - Roxane Godrie

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