Drôlement Bien Festival

Drôlement Bien Festival



For its 3rd edition, from 16 to 19 January 2025 in Besançon, Drôlement Bien is preparing a crazy line-up of shows, all based on conviviality and sharing. And because that's what makes the festival so special, this year it will once again include a social component, with free activities and tickets for shows donated to associations.

Drôlement Bien has established itself as the biggest comedy festival in France. During the second edition, 14,000 people came to Besançon to laugh over four days, making this event THE place to be for good humour.

What makes Drôlement Bien so successful and original? Humour in all its forms! On the programme: one-woman shows featuring established artists, rising stars and up-and-coming talents. As an added bonus, you'll be able to join in the fun and laughter all over Besançon, with cult cinema screenings, improvisation competitions for budding talent, drawing workshops, karaoke, strolling the streets... There's something for all ages and tastes!


- No. 1 comedy festival in France
-14,000 spectators at the last edition in 2024

Prices & Schedules

From 16/01/25 to 19/01/25 of 20:00 to 23:00

from 16 to 19 January 2025 in Besançon

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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