Hedgehog Festival - Conference: how to preserve the European hedgehog?

Hedgehog Festival - Conference: how to preserve the European hedgehog?


Lecture: The European hedgehog, a small mammal that is well known in our gardens, faces a number of threats. Gardens and municipal green spaces can become nature havens for biodiversity if the right practices are put in place. How can we protect hedgehogs? What can you do to encourage biodiversity? Discover the solutions proposed by France Nature Environnement Doubs and become an ambassador for nature! This conference is brought to you by the Médiathèque des Tilleuls in Besançon.

Hedgehog Festival - Conference: how to preserve the European hedgehog?
Médiathèque des Tilleuls
24 rue des Roses
Prices & Schedules

The conference starts at 6.30pm on Thursday 26 September 2024.

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