Dinner Show



The year is 2,158 and the world is moving fast, very fast, too fast. Teenagers are soft, too slow, too noisy and impossible to understand. To keep pace with the world since the introduction of the acceleration policy, young people live out their adolescence in Somnogel capsules. Following a bug, 14-year-old Eda is disengaged from a capsule. Here she is, the only teenager in 60 years to anchor herself in the world, having to understand her body, put words to her thoughts, find a place. Eda will work at her own pace to give teenagers their place. Along the way, she crosses paths with her parents, finds refuge in her grandmother's words, meets Molito - a forgotten teenager - and manages to thaw out her pal Akim... Together, they'll manage to give the world a breath of fresh air, as they try to slow down the world and find a place for themselves. By Benoît Peillon / Compagnie Institout

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