Gabriel Keller Trio

Gabriel Keller Trio


Gabriel Keller Trio is an acoustic music group featuring Charlotte Gagnor on vocals, Lucie Lacour on cello and Gabriel Keller on guitar. The trio performs songs from Gabriel Keller's albums, as well as other original compositions from his repertoire. Written in English and French, each track has been carefully arranged to suit the group perfectly, enhancing the melodic lines and allowing Charlotte's talent to shine through. Rearranged covers by the trio punctuate this original repertoire. With a blend of pop-rock, progressive rock and classical music, Gabriel Keller Trio takes the audience on an eclectic journey through light and shade, softness and passionate rhythms. All this work can be discovered on stage, but also in the acoustic EP "Trio" released in November 2023.

Gabriel Keller Trio
Café de la Tannerie
123 place de la Vinaigrerie
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