Harmattan Brothers - Concert de souffles et de cordes / JMF
Dinner Show

Harmattan Brothers - Concert de souffles et de cordes / JMF


The harmattan, a wind of warm, fertile sand, blows from West Africa over the oceans and feeds the Amazon. Like this continental trade wind, the Harmattan Brothers cross borders, sail between styles and invent a free music that draws its creativity from the traditions that inspire them: jazz, Mandingo music and folk. The confluence of their musical sensibilities has given birth to rich, elegant compositions that leave plenty of room for spirited improvisation. The swaying guitar riffs, ethereal trumpet notes and celestial kora melodies take us on a journey through spellbinding soundscapes. You'll find yourself contemplating an old pond, marvelling at the sunrise or cavorting in a meadow among the cows.

Harmattan Brothers - Concert de souffles et de cordes / JMF
Salle du Vox
11 rue Paul Pioda
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 19€
  • Reduced rate : 17€

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