Horizon - Concert illustré

Horizon - Concert illustré


Based on nine children's albums, Horizon is an illustrated concert for children aged 6 months and over. The audience travels through natural landscapes. Admire the foliage of the forest, climb the rocks, climb the mountains, rest in the meadows, contemplate the butterflies, smell the flowers, get lost in the mist and listen to the song of the river. The paintings are made of paper, shadows and projected light. The music features flutes, saxophone, guitar, voice, small percussion instruments and sound objects. This show was created as part of the Valence Romans agglomeration's album prize for toddlers, devised by the network of media libraries and the early childhood service. Creation, music, writing and manipulation: Zakia En Nassiri and Charlie Doublet PRODUCTION : La Curieuse CO-PRODUCTION : Valence-Romans agglo SUPPORT Le MeTT - Le Teil (07) - Théâtre de la Courte Échelle - Romans (26)

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