In vista

In vista


The performers move with fluidity under the gaze of a camera that in turn seems to dance and take shape. Behind them, on a large screen, live images are projected, multiplying our perceptions, playing with zooms, elongations and inversions of images to give us another point of view of reality. In collaboration with video artist Jean-Camille Goimard, this piece invites us into a sensitive experience, from the sensation of movement to the intimacy of dance. Plunging into the heart of choreographic writing and bodies, between reality and projected image, Compagnie Contrepoint has fun disrupting our landmarks of space and time, walking us along the lines of illusion and realism, sharpening the spectator's eye to slip inside the movement. Yan Raballand offers us a vertiginous plunge into the very heart of movement. By Yan Raballand / Compagnie Contrepoint

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