In Vista
Dance, Screening

In Vista


Choreographer Yan Raballand, influenced by the counterpoint music of Johann Sebastian Bach, wants to reinforce the sensation of movement, to offer its quintessence, which for him is simply the point of fusion between the music, the bodies and the stage. So, behind the scenes, he projects images from a camera that moves within the action, capturing the impulses of the dancing trio, conversing with them as they mingle, tangle and untangle like a braid of silky threads. This harmonious interweaving concentrates the performance, enriching it and offering an immersive view of dance that is totally unique. It's an alchemy made possible by the unfailing complicity of Jean-Camille Goimard, a skilled video artist as well as a dancer and choreographer. On a sparsely lit stage, the audience literally contemplates the essence of movement, and soon realises that the projected image is not a set, but the living skin of an energy that springs from the bodies.

In Vista
4 Rue Jean Jaurès
Prices & Schedules

22 November at 2.30pm and 8.30pm

  • Base rate : 10€ - 22€

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