La Crèche : mécanique d’un conflit

La Crèche : mécanique d’un conflit


After five years on parental leave, Yasmina returns to her job as assistant director at the Bicarelle day nursery in the suburbs of an imaginary town. She insists on being able to keep her veil on at work, which is not allowed under the rules. Francisca, her manager, dismisses her. Feeling discriminated against, Yasmina files a complaint. This marks the start of a confrontation that will take the crèche employees and local residents to task, forcing them to take a stand and opening up chasms where previously there had been harmony. Society as a whole takes up the issue. After Olivier Masson doit-il mourir? (Must Olivier Masson Die?), presented in November 2023, François Hien brings to light, with finesse and madcap inventiveness, the inner workings of a conflict capable of turning residents against each other. This is a fresco in which the points of view of some thirty characters are exchanged, interpreted with brio by nine actors. By L'Harmonie Communale / François Hien

La Crèche : mécanique d’un conflit
Théâtre de Bourg-en-Bresse
Esplanade de la comédie
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