The Poetry of Failure

The Poetry of Failure


Theatre - From age 12 - 1 h 20
Marjolaine Minot Company

This is the story of a family, a mother and her 2 children, who meet again for a birthday party, a few months after the father's death. The father, Martin Keller, has left behind a hidden double life that the children don't yet know about. Alice has to tell them the truth before their appointment with the notary the following week. Juliette, 23, tired of being ignored by her mother, dissatisfied with her love life and upset by the death of her father, with whom she was very close, has decided this evening - with the help of her therapist - to confront her mother. So when 25-year-old Antoine, at the risk of once again disappointing his adoring mother, has to announce that he has once again failed the bar exams, despite what his parents tell him was his future. From belated confessions to pretence, the world of this fragile family is about to unravel and the truth is about to come out. Without pathetic grandiloquence, the poetry of failure is revealed, with an offbeat tone and humour - from black to burlesque - that is always present.

Written and directed by Marjolaine Minot and Günther Baldauf
With Florian Albin, Christa Barrett /or Fanny Krähenbühl and Marjolaine Minot
Musician-beat boxer Speaker B (Julien Paplomatas)
Song creation Mirabelle Gremaud
Assistant director Camille Denkinger
Lighting designer Jay Schütz
Costume design Alice Gauthier

Production Compagnie Marjolaine Minot
Coproduction Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg
Support Etat de Fribourg, Loterie Romande / Agglomération de Fribourg / Ernst-Göhner-Stiftung /
MIGROS pour-cent culturel / Corodis / Pro Helvetia

Mi-Scène is an association under the 1901 law run entirely by volunteers. It was set up in 2003 to programme professional contemporary theatre in the Chapelle de la Congrégation in Poligny's Grande Rue, as well as in Arbois and the surrounding villages.
Mi-Scène is supported by the DRAC Bourgogne Franche-Comté, the Conseil Régional de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, the Conseil Départemental du Jura, the Mairie de Poligny, the Mairie d'Arbois, the Communauté de Commune du Val d'Amour and the Communauté de Communes Coeur du Jura.
Mi-Scène provides local residents with access to quality shows, giving them a genuine cultural identity that is accessible to all audiences at a lower cost.
Its collaboration with schools means that children, secondary school pupils and high school students can benefit from a range of activities aimed at them.
In short, Mi-Scène contributes to the popular education that underpins its founding principles, and to the appeal of its region, through the shows it puts on and the partnerships it forges.

Holders of the Mi-Scène membership card will benefit from reduced rates throughout the year: Membership card: €20
ATTENTION: Tickets reserved and not collected 1/4 hour before the start of the show may be put back on sale.
ATTENTION: to be sure of getting a seat, don't hesitate to book!

The Poetry of Failure
Chapelle de la Congrégation
37 Grande Rue
Prices & Schedules

Tuesday 15 April at 8.30pm

  • Base rate : 15€
  • Child rate (under 18s) : 8€
  • Subscriber's rate : 10€

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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