L'Appel du Clairon Éternel - Un hommage facétieux aux Musiques de Genre / JMF
Dinner Show

L'Appel du Clairon Éternel - Un hommage facétieux aux Musiques de Genre / JMF


Municipal bands, circus arts, silent films, folk festivals and equestrian dressage are just some of the singular universes that the trio freely traverses, hijacking codes and customs with panache, always with finesse, but in an irresistible spirit of self-mockery. With remarkable virtuosity, the trio strives to reconcile jazz music and classical heritage, proposing associations as skilful as they are unexpected: Schubert gracefully cohabits with Ennio Morricone, Rameau joyfully fraternizes with Louis Armstrong, Tchaikovsky mischievously sympathizes with Franck Sinatra, Duke Ellington naturally harmonizes with Nino Rota... The Sensational MajoR Ut's free and uninhibited interpretations express multiple sensibilities, playing with mischievous juxtapositions supported by subtle arrangements and communicative euphoria!

L'Appel du Clairon Éternel - Un hommage facétieux aux Musiques de Genre / JMF
Salle du Vox
11 rue Paul Pioda
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 19€
  • Reduced rate : 17€

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