What a brilliant idea to take the cabaret form, to deconstruct and reconstruct it, by inverting its codes. Gone is the strong, agile, fearless man; gone is the supple, beautiful woman at the service of her companion's prestige. In the close proximity to the audience afforded by the narrow confines of the little big top, a choice that owes nothing to chance, the two artists serve up each of the delicate acts in this fabulous circus tour on a platter, right at your table: balancing act, songs, knife throwing, darts, blowpipes, not forgetting acrobatic cycling, dressage, glass juggling, illusionism, and all the surprises that never come before. Le Cabaret renversé is a dazzling river of delectation, the water of which we would gladly drink every day, and which, with its masterful energy, brilliantly questions the notions of model and norm.
From age 6.
10 April at 7.30pm
April 11 at 8.30pm
12 April at 8.30pm
13 April at 5pm