The heritage of the Bourg-Dessous in Salins-les-Bains
Guided tours

The heritage of the Bourg-Dessous in Salins-les-Bains


Discover the heritage of the Bourg-Dessous in Salins-les-Bains during a 1h15 guided tour to mark the European Heritage Days.
The "Grande-Rue du Bourg-Dessous" (now rue la Liberté) is the main entrance to the north of the town, and is interesting in that it partially survived the fire of the summer of 1825. It is home to a number of town houses, tenement buildings, merchants' houses, churches, convents and simple fountains, all of which bear witness to the long history of the economic capital of the county of Burgundy, and make up an exceptional heritage, sometimes visible and recognised, sometimes discreet and ignored.

Visit with Raphaël Favereaux, Research Officer in the Inventory and Heritage Department (Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region).

Places are limited, booking essential at the Tourist Office.

The heritage of the Bourg-Dessous in Salins-les-Bains
Office de tourisme
place des Salines
Prices & Schedules

Sunday 22 September at 9.30am - 11am - 2pm - 3.30pm and 5pm

  • Free (By reservation only)

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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