The Friends of the Courbet Museum invite you to a lecture

The Friends of the Courbet Museum invite you to a lecture


Return to the Source
With Jean-Philippe Pierron, professor of philosophy of life at the University of Burgundy

A spring is photographed, filmed, described, poetised, selfised... We paint it... Each source activates a poetics of proper names, and for Courbet his source is not a possessive pronoun, it is not a notarial deed... (He) appropriated (the source of the Loue) and not se l'appropri(e)...

Extract from the article "Retourner à la source", Reliefs N° 19 second quarter 2024, Reliefs Éditions

Duration: approximately 1h30

The Friends of the Courbet Museum invite you to a lecture
Ferme Courbet
28 grande rue
25330 FLAGEY
Prices & Schedules

Saturday 23 November at 3pm

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