State of Siege

State of Siege


Theatre - From age 10 - 1 h 30
The Eternal Summer

In a village by the sea, after the passage of a mysterious comet, a serious illness spreads among the inhabitants... The Plague, accompanied by its secretary Death, gradually takes power, reigning through fear and imposing order and surveillance at the expense of freedom...
"I'd like to see L'État de Siège in the open air," wrote Camus, no doubt saddened by the failure of its premiere in the gilded Théâtre Marigny in 1948. We want to make this dream our own, to take him at his word, to take this text to the middle of a field or a village square, in summer, in the open air, across France. We're working in the spirit of trestle theatre, with our relationship to the audience and our trust in their imagination. A theatre that is raw and generous, created before the eyes of the audience, overflowing and collective, based fundamentally on the present moment and still believing, naively, superbly, in a possible victory of courage over evil.

Adapted, directed, set design, costumes Emmanuel Besnault
With Arthur Baratin, Laurie Iversen, Sylvain Lecomte, Benjamin Migneco, Geoffrey Rouge-Carrassat, Frédérique Voruz, Yuriy Zavalnyouk Lighting and stage management Didier Landès

Assistant Zoë Megemont
Support Ville de Versailles / Communauté d'Agglomération Versailles Grand Parc / Festival Le Mois Molière (Yvelines) / Festival des Jeux du Théâtre de Sarlat (Dordogne) / Festival Les Semeurs du Val d'Amour (Jura) / Festival Belcastel en Scène (Aveyron) / Toujours Festival (Haute-Savoie)
In collaboration with Compagnie Le Grand Large

Mi-Scène is an association under the 1901 law, run entirely by volunteers. It was set up in 2003 to programme professional contemporary theatre in the Chapelle de la Congrégation in Poligny's Grande Rue, as well as in Arbois and the surrounding villages.
Mi-Scène is supported by the DRAC Bourgogne Franche-Comté, the Conseil Régional de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, the Conseil Départemental du Jura, the Mairie de Poligny, the Mairie d'Arbois, the Communauté de Commune du Val d'Amour and the Communauté de Communes Coeur du Jura.
Mi-Scène provides local residents with access to quality shows, giving them a genuine cultural identity that is accessible to all audiences at a lower cost.
Its collaboration with schools means that children, secondary school pupils and high school students can benefit from a range of activities aimed at them.
In short, Mi-Scène contributes to the popular education that underpins its founding principles, and to the appeal of its region, through the shows it puts on and the partnerships it forges.

State of Siege
Domaine Noir
La Petite Marne, près d'Intermarché
Prices & Schedules

Thursday 19 June at 8.30pm

  • Base rate (under 18s) : 15€
  • Child rate (under 18s) : 8€
  • Subscriber's rate : 10€

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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