Clara's story

Clara's story


Narrative concert with headphones

Part radio play, part instrumental concert and part immersive sound installation, this finely crafted, dazzlingly human show tells the story of little Clara, who was saved in extremis from the Gestapo by small and large heroic acts.

This is the story of Clara, a Jewish baby who survived a roundup in 1942 and was taken in and hidden until the Liberation, told in a stage form that is as marvellous as it is unusual. In the midst of the performers, wearing headphones and sitting on a cushion or deckchair, the audience listens to the sounds and voices as they follow one another, witnessing the child's adventures up close and personal. Able to inhabit every second of this deeply moving adventure, actress Olivia Kryger is the narrator, playing all ten characters in Vincent Cuvellier's text, published in 2009 by Gallimard Jeunesse. She is supported by two musicians and electronic tinkerers who are just as at home on their instruments (double bass, harmonium, guitar, various musical objects) as they are on their mixing consoles. All you have to do is close your eyes to 'see' the story come to life, and the settings and situations take shape in your imagination. A fantastic experience!
From age 9.

Clara's story
Salle des fêtes
1 rue du 4 septembre
Prices & Schedules

Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 8.30pm

  • Base rate : 10€ - 15€

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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