


Theatre - From age 14 - 55 minutes

Liberté tells the story of a high school student on the verge of dropping out who is 'caught' by a history teacher driven by an awareness of the importance of her mission.
After a violent altercation with Sophie, a young history teacher, during a lesson on freedom of expression, Nicolas, who is in Year 10, runs away from school. He stays at home. Sophie chooses not to report him to avoid expulsion, which plunges her into an abyss of questions about the meaning of her action and her commitment.
A series of encounters and events will lead them to find a solution together, where everyone can find their place, that of the pupil and that of the teacher.
Liberté is a performance. It's a comedy in homage to schools and their public service mission, set against the backdrop of freedom of expression.
Liberté has a happy ending.

Two dates: 17 October at the Espace Pasteur in Arbois and 18 October at the Salle des Fêtes in La Loye.

Production Ensemble Atopique II
Coproductions Communauté d'Agglomération Mont Saint-Michel - Normandie
Support Le Cratère - Scène Nationale d'Alè s / Thé â tre de la Licorne - Scène Conventionnée "Art, Enfance, Jeunesse" / Fonds Interministériel de Prévention de la Délinquance

Written by Yann Verburgh
Directed by JFré dé ric R. Fisbach
With Sophie Claret and Nicolas Dupont
Administration Jean-Baptiste Derouault - En Votre Compagnie
Distribution Olivier Talpaert - En Votre Compagnie
Press Delphine Menjaud-Podrzycki

Espace Pasteur
Place Notre-Dame
39600 ARBOIS
Prices & Schedules

Thursday 17 October at 8.30pm

  • Base rate : 15€
  • Child rate : 8€

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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