Ma grand-mère est une aventurière
Dinner Show

Ma grand-mère est une aventurière


We all think we know our grandmother, then one day, because of a veiled wheel, we descend into the cellar and... in a jumble of magnetic tapes, boxes and notebooks, we discover that she was many other women. From Niagara Falls to the summits of the Andes, the wheel of a bold life spins before our eyes in a series of wild and inspiring epics. What if our wheelchair-bound grandmothers weren't the wise women we imagine? And what if curious little girls were to continue the adventure? Somewhere between a puppet show and a multi-instrumental concert, a giant pop-up and a praxiscope, Racagnac presents visual, audio and historical fantasies, especially the wacky ones.

Ma grand-mère est une aventurière
Théâtre du Bordeau
18 rue de Genève
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