Marc Fitze

Marc Fitze


Marc Fitze
Bern, Switzerland

Organised by the Association des Amis des Orgues - Poligny

E n t r e e l i b r e
Poligny, Collégiale Saint-Hippolyte and Saint-Claude, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre

Thursday 20 June 8.30pm - Poligny
P a s s a g e c o n c e r t
Paolo ORENI, Milan - Italy

Sunday 7 July 6pm - Poligny
Julia RAASCH, Frankfurt - Germany

Thursday 11 July 8 pm - Saint-Claude, Cathedral
Akiko KAN-DIEU, organ

Sunday 21 July 6 pm - Poligny
Vincent DUBOIS, Paris - Notre-Dame Cathedral
Tribute to Pierre COCHEREAU (1924 - 1984)
For almost thirty years, Pierre Cochereau played the great Cavaillé-Coll five manual organ at Notre-Dame de Paris. A phenomenon without equal in the history of the contemporary organ. His countless tours of the five continents have made him a legendary figure on the organ.

Sunday 4 August 6 pm - Poligny
Mark STEINBACH, Boston - USA

Sunday 11 August 5 pm - Saint-Claude, Cathedral
Michaël MATTHES, Paris

Sunday 18 August 6pm - Poligny
T r o m p e t t e a n d O r g u e
Ralf SCHMUCK + Ralf BORGHOFF, Erwitte - Germany

Sunday 1st September 6pm - Poligny
C h o r a l a n d o r g u e
BELIUS Slovak Women's Choir
Oľga BYSTRIANSKA, conductor
Zuzana FERJENCIKOVA, organ

Sunday 8 September 6 pm - Poligny
H a u t b o i s , v i o l o n e t o r g u e
World premiere performance of a piece for organ and violin by Yui KAKINUMA
Akiko KAN-DIEU, organ - Fabrice FEREZ, oboe
Gaëlle-Anne MICHEL, violin

Marc Fitze
Collégiale Saint-Hippolyte
10 Rue du Collège
Prices & Schedules

From 22/09/24 to 21/10/24 of 18:00 to 00:00

Sunday 22 September at 6pm

  • Free (free admission)

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