Storytelling Rendezvous #1 The Little Mermaid
Kids, Music

Storytelling Rendezvous #1 The Little Mermaid


When she discovers a handsome young man on a boat one day, the Little Mermaid falls madly in love with him. Desperate to find the one she loves, and ready to leave the world of the sea for that of humans, she nevertheless has to discover that love often holds many disappointments in store...
A magical and enchanting work by composer Régis Campo, based on Andersen's fairy tale, which speaks to us of feelings, of renunciation, of welcoming others who are different... in a marvellous ode to love, to mutual aid, and to the refusal of revenge and violence.
Tickets at the Office de Tourisme et des Congrès du Grand Besançon, Hôtel de Ville, place du Huit Septembre.

Storytelling Rendezvous #1 The Little Mermaid
1 passage des Arts
Prices & Schedules

Saturday 16 November at 6pm

  • Base rate : 6.7€ - 12.7€

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