Rendez-vous conte #3 Mayan Night
Kids, Music

Rendez-vous conte #3 Mayan Night


In Mexico, we don't mourn the dead, we celebrate them, because they continue to exist as long as we remember them. Every year, on the Day of the Dead "el día de los muertos", they can return to earth to celebrate with the living. Dances, parades, altars adorned with colourful flowers and all manner of delicacies, fancy dresses and costumes... the Orchestra invites you to experience this celebration through the joyous and exotic music of Mexican composers Silvestre Revueltas and Arturo Márquez.

Arturo Marquez Danzón n°2
Silvestre Revueltas Sensemayá

Thierry Weber, conductor
Manu Möser, actor

From 6 years

At 6pm in the Conservatoire auditorium
Full price: €12.70; €8.70 concessions (under 26s, students, jobseekers, MGEN benefit card); €6.70 (under 12s, youth benefit card)

Tickets available from the Office de Tourisme et des Congrès du Grand Besançon, Hôtel de Ville, place du Huit Septembre - Paris.

Rendez-vous conte #3 Mayan Night
1 passage des Arts
Prices & Schedules

15 March at 6pm

  • Base rate : 6.7€ - 12.7€

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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