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Exhibition workshop - La Pierre qui Encre
Set up in the Tour Gloriette (16th century), this workshop explores the lithographic technique to understand how to print a print without engraving the material, with explanations and demonstrations on a hand press and equipment from the mid-19th century.
After attending drawing and lithography courses and workshops in the Jura and Alsace, Patrice Gouttefanjat set up his own studio at the Tour Gloriette in 2013. A passionate self-taught artist, his love of drawing and the lithographic technique is expressed through his creations, made entirely by hand on a press he has restored himself.
(free or by appointment), including :
> Explanations and/or demonstrations
Explanations and/or demonstrations of the lithographic technique,
> Printing of proofs,
> Authentication of prints,
> Exhibition of old lithographic stones.
From 01/04/24 to 31/03/25
April 2024 to March 2025