Sexshop Mushroom

Sexshop Mushroom


"BREAK NORMS, SOUND LOUD" is how Sex Shop Mushrooms defines itself. Hailing from Pigalle, the group formed at the end of 2022. Blending blistering guitar riffs, explosive drums and an inhabited, enraged voice, Sex Shop Mushrooms is a music group free of all artistic influences, part of a movement that goes beyond traditional punk codes. Winners of a Breton springboard competition, the band went on to perform at the Kreiz Y Fest (Glomel), then at the Kraken'Fest in Toulouse. After some forty concerts across France, the band attracted the attention of a large part of the Parisian grunge scene. Five singles are released between 2023 and 2024. Carrying three of their singles in several editorial playlists (France & World) and on various radio stations, the band return with their very first album, following the energy of their single "Boys on Sale" composed for the stage, dealing with various subjects, from social malaise, rebellion, to an anthem against violence against women. Blending 90's sounds with modern production, it was entirely recorded, mixed and mastered by the band. "God Doesn't Exist" available October 4, 2024.

Sexshop Mushroom
Café de la Tannerie
123 place de la Vinaigrerie
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