Show - Iphigénie à splott

Show - Iphigénie à splott


Effie lives in Splott, a district of Cardiff, the capital of Wales, affected by deindustrialisation, unemployment and impoverishment. Effie is the kind of girl you don't look in the eye when you see her in the street.
judge her casually. You think you know Effie, but you don't know the half of her. Every Monday, she throws herself into a spiral of alcohol and drama, emerging after three days with a hangover worse than death, only to start all over again. And then, one evening, she gets the chance to be more than that.

Show - Iphigénie à splott
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  • Base rate (increased if purchased over the counter) : 22€
  • Reduced rate (increased if purchased over the counter) : 14€

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