Spectacle : La tempête

Spectacle : La tempête


Since his removal from office by his brother Antonio, Prospero, Duke of Milan, has been living on an uninhabited island. Using the magic of his books, he conjures up a storm that causes the ship carrying Antonio, Alonso (King of Naples) and the latter's son to run aground on his island. The revenge Prospero has been awaiting for 12 years brings him face to face with his own violence. The play is the story of an awakening: violence is futile, and reason and compassion must be at the heart of our lives. A factory of images and meaning, The Tempest is without doubt the most operatic of all Shakespeare's plays, giving pride of place to storytelling, images and music. The play criticizes our excesses and lies, and fights against obscurantism to overcome our demons. It calls for the values of tolerance and compassion that we still sorely need. The show brings together a magnificent troupe of loyal actors who enjoy cross-dressing, each taking on multiple roles under the audience's watchful eye. The multiplicity of their interpretative registers, their vocal qualities and the homogeneity of the troupe of actors, instrumentalists and singers give the show virtuosity, dynamism and the pleasure of playing.

Spectacle : La tempête
Théâtre du Bordeau
18 rue de Genève
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 27€

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