Spectacle : le Bibliothécaire
Circus, Theatre

Spectacle : le Bibliothécaire


Paul-Émile Dumoulin has been working at his town's library for 25 years. He's serious, proud, nervous and sometimes so clumsy. The shelves must be impeccable, every book in its place. But when Paul-Emile Dumoulin starts to read, he's completely in the story, and his taste for adventure shows him in a different light. He embodies the characters in the books in his hands, expressively bringing them to life with a blend of acrobatics, balancing, juggling, break dancing and beat boxing. A funny show that makes you want to read! Beat Box workshop led by show performer Hippolyte. Come and learn Beat Box as a family, with a professional artist, to add groove to your everyday life.

Spectacle : le Bibliothécaire
Théâtre du Bordeau
18 rue de Genève
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 12€

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