Spectacle : L'envol de la Fourmi

Spectacle : L'envol de la Fourmi


From sideways steps to stumbling, from tiny steps to giant strides, Ant tries to find her place. Singular creatures join her on stage, sharing her crazy dream of flying. Gaining momentum, wandering on a tightrope by any means necessary, each discovery is a pretext for attempts at a first flight. Between the tightrope-walking clown and the little artists with their fine beaks, complicity builds with every step. With joy and lightness, tenderness and fragility, filled with desires bigger than themselves, the clown and her hens question our own humanity. A funambulistic fantasy for hens and a clown by the Compagnie Au Fil du Vent. Conceived, written and performed by Johanna Gallard / Fourmi. Inspiration and acting partners: Saqui, Falkora, Mouche, Ariane, Maije, Naya, Pollen, Baba, Barbara, Nawa, Garlic and Micro (alternating hens). Director, co-writer and clown director: Adèll Nodé Langlois. Set design and lighting: Laurent Morel. With the support of Agence Culturelle de la Dordogne, Conseil Départemental de la Dordogne, Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Agora PNAC de Boulazac, CRAC de Saint-Astier and Château de Monthelon (89). Organised by the town of Gex as part of the 2024-2025 cultural season.

Spectacle : L'envol de la Fourmi
Salle des fêtes
77 rue de l'Horloge
01170 GEX
Prices & Schedules

  • Reduced rate : 8€
  • Base rate : 10€
  • Child rate : 6€
Spectacle : L'envol de la Fourmi
Spectacle : L'envol de la Fourmi

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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