Show - Tant qu'il y aura des coquelicots (As long as there are poppies)
Music, Theatre

Show - Tant qu'il y aura des coquelicots (As long as there are poppies)


Prior booking required. A sort of 'Cercle des poètes disparus à la française', this play entertains and questions, offering a simple yet profound, urgent and essential journey. We move from humour to melancholy, from reflection to smiles, and the sounds, few and far between, lay a flowing stole over the text's shoulders.
stole over the shoulders of the text. The mix of emotions, genres and themes is undoubtedly the particular strength of this project, its uniqueness...

Show - Tant qu'il y aura des coquelicots (As long as there are poppies)
Place de la Halle
Prices & Schedules
  • Base rate (increased if purchased over the counter) : 22€
  • Reduced rate (increased if purchased over the counter) : 14€

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