Théâtre à la Chevalerie - Renaud, like a lost child
Music, Dinner Show, Theatre

Théâtre à la Chevalerie - Renaud, like a lost child


Song and theatre

A piano, a voice, a life, songs... The desire to plunge into this beautiful and abundant work, but also to understand the life of this marvellous and singular artist that is Renaud. Through twenty or so songs interspersed with selected extracts from his autobiography, we plunge into the heart of this universe that has marked an entire generation and more! We discover Renaud at his most sensitive, rebellious, tender, fragile, passionate and desperate, in search of a childhood that's gone forever...

Théâtre à la Chevalerie - Renaud, like a lost child
Théâtre de La Chevalerie
Place de la Chevalerie
Prices & Schedules
  • Base rate : 15€
  • Reduced rate (jobseekers, RSA and students) : 12€
  • Young person's rate (Under 16s) : 5€
Théâtre à la Chevalerie - Renaud, like a lost child

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