Théâtre : Je l'aime et je l'aurai

Théâtre : Je l'aime et je l'aurai


Adrienne Thomeret is a pretty woman, full of charm but also full of prejudices and taboos. A man breaks into her home and insolently courts her. Despite his immoderate efforts, he fails to touch her heart and his attempts at seduction fail miserably one after the other. By a fortuitous coincidence, he soon discovers that Adrienne's husband is not the faithful husband he was thought to be. This discovery provides him with an invaluable means of blackmail, and the comedy is far from over...

Théâtre : Je l'aime et je l'aurai
422 avenue Hoff
01300 BELLEY
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 38€
  • Reduced rate : 32.5€

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