Théâtre Mlle Clairon

Théâtre Mlle Clairon


Mademoiselle Clairon (one of the greatest comediennes of the 18th century, and Voltaire's favorite) is delighted to welcome her audience on the occasion of her birthday. For her guests, she declaims a scene from Phèdre, then begins to recount the birth of her vocation. She intersperses her story with extracts from plays she has performed: Molière, Racine... She shares her love of theater, her determination to become an actress, her efforts to perfect her art, defend her rights and honor. An astonishing testimony that resonates with our times. Translated with (free version)

Théâtre Mlle Clairon
Orangerie du château
Allée du château
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 13€
  • Reduced rate : 7.5€

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