Théâtre : Sexe et jalousie

Théâtre : Sexe et jalousie


When Bernard discovers that his wife Jacqueline is cheating on him with his friend Robert, he has only one thing on his mind: revenge, because it's jealousy that drives him! Using a false pretext, he tricks Robert into giving him a choice: either Robert allows Bernard to sleep with his wife or Bernard will have no choice but to kill him. In trying to escape this Cornelian choice, Robert unleashes an avalanche of hilarious misunderstandings. In the end, it comes down to which of the two feelings is driving the world.... sex or jealousy, or perhaps both? By local troupe Tous en scène, based on a play by Marc Camoletti. Directed by David Jouve. With Jules Kryk, Angélique David, David Jouve, Isy Tauzin, Valérie Poyet and Léa Le Rouzic. Stage manager: Alain and Sylvie Perroud. Organised by the City of Gex as part of the 2024-2025 cultural season.

Théâtre : Sexe et jalousie
Salle des fêtes
77 rue de l'Horloge
01170 GEX
Prices & Schedules

From 31/01/25 to 01/02/25

  • Base rate : 10€
Théâtre : Sexe et jalousie
Théâtre : Sexe et jalousie

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