Treatment of soldiers with neurological disorders

Treatment of soldiers with neurological disorders


Lecture by Professor Laurent Tatu, Head of Department at Besançon University Hospital.

A little-known aspect of the history of Fort Saint-André, 1916-1918 treatment centre for soldiers with neurological disorders.

In January 1917, Dr Gustave Roussy, better known for his later work on cancer, was appointed head of the Besançon military neurological centre and put in charge of relocating it to Fort Saint-André in Salins. In 1947, Louis-Ferdinand Céline revealed that he had been inspired by this episode in ROUSSY's life to create the character of Doctor BESTOMBES in Journey to the End of the Night.

Sales table by the bookseller Le Matachin

Conference organised in partnership with Salins Pays du Livre, Le Matachin, the CDJ media library and the town of Salins-les-Bains.

Treatment of soldiers with neurological disorders
A LA MAIRIE, salle du conseil
Place des Alliés de la Résistance
Prices & Schedules

Friday 20 September at 8pm

Treatment of soldiers with neurological disorders

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