Tremplin JazzContreBand

Tremplin JazzContreBand


JazzContreBand is organizing its 8th springboard competition at Le Bordeau, Saint-Genis-Pouilly. Starting at 3pm, five groups will perform for twenty minutes each. They were selected in mid-June by the JazzContreBand springboard committee, made up of four members of the organization, which brings together some forty venues in France and Switzerland, all around Lake Geneva. The criteria for applications were: to be under thirty on the day of the springboard, duo to sextet formations mostly from the Franco-Swiss region, to present jazz compositions. This year's jury: Leila Martial and Heiri Känzig will be co-presidents, alongside Fabrice Gottraux of Tribune de Genève and Franck Bergerot of Jazz Mag, as well as Stefano Saccon (eMa, Geneva), Vanessa Horowitz (Jazz sur la plage, Hermance), Alain Morhange (Les Carrés, Annecy), Bertrand Furic (APEJS, Chambéry). The winning group will perform six times during the JazzContreBand 2025 festival and season, as well as on the Cybèle stage at Jazz à Vienne in July.

Tremplin JazzContreBand
Théâtre du Bordeau
18 rue de Genève
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