Un soir chez Boris

Un soir chez Boris


In the confined warmth of his yurt, Olivier Debelhoir - alias Boris - takes us on a journey through his whimsical ramblings. His imagination has no head or tail, his acrobatics no net and his words limitless. Part cowboy on a shovel, part local tightrope walker, he covers cheesy 1980s songs on the accordion, invites the ghosts of his memories - heroes from B-movies and spaghetti westerns - puts on skis and hurtles down the snowy roof of his yurt... In this highly sensitive show (celebrating its tenth anniversary!), remarkably written with his partner Pierre Déaux, eclectic references abound, from Buster Keaton to André Bézu. Balancing between physical prowess and astonishing verbal performance, Boris invents a new kind of circus art to ward off loneliness. By La Compagnie D'un Ours / Olivier Debelhoir

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