Une clameur au Fort l'Écluse
Exhibition, Professional

Une clameur au Fort l'Écluse


International and local artists are taking over two key sites in the Pays de Gex to offer surprising visual and audio installations and events for all ages, raising questions about the urgent issues facing us today. Une clameur' (a clamour) refers to the roar of an approaching crowd, to a growing collective consciousness. With the Bermuda collective, on the initiative of the Pays de Gex Agglo, with the participation of the Château de Voltaire / Monuments nationaux and the Pays de Gex Monts-Jura Tourist Office.

Une clameur au Fort l'Écluse
Fort l'Ecluse
01200 LEAZ
Prices & Schedules

From 29/06/24 to 22/09/24

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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